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Keyway's Dial-up Web Accelerator

Keyway's Web Accelerator improves your browsing experience through rapid delivery of web pages to your computer. You will browse the web at broadband speeds -- up to six times faster than a traditional dialup connection.

Through browser caching and compression technology you will see a real and measurable improvement in the speed of your dialup connection.

Try our Web Accelerator with your Keyway dialup service, free for one month!  If you wish to keep the acceleration at only $5 per month, simply continue using it. If you wish to discontinue the service, please email [email protected] prior to the expiration of your one-month free trial.

Step 1: Download the Software

Windows Download: Windows version
Mac Download: Mac version

Step 2: Install the Software

1. Locate your downloaded file from step #2 and double-click it to launch the installer. The wizard will walk you though the setup process.

2. You will be prompted to enter your username ( and password. Call 909-933-3699 if you have forgotten your password.

3. You are ready to browse the Internet at up to six-times regular dial-up speeds.

Web Accelerator Users Guide

Launching the Accelerator
Accessing the User Interface
Setting Username and Password
Changing Image Quality

Launching the Web Accelerator

Your web accelerator will launch automatically each time you start your computer. When the web accelerator is running, a taskbar icon will appear in the Windows system tray (see right image).

If you need to start the software manually, an icon titled "SlipStream Web Accelerator" is located in the Windows Start Menu under the SlipStream folder.

Accessing the User Interface

While your web accelerator will already be setup for optimal performance, you do do have the option to adjust the settings, view connection status or acceleration statistics.

To access the user interface features, click on the SlipStream Web Accelerator icon in the system tray. A pop-up menu will appear (shown below) which lists all software features.

Setting Username and Password

Your username and password information is located in the Connection Status dialog. To set your username and password:

1. Right-click on the taskbar icon and select "Settings..." from the menu.
2. Click on the "Connection" tab.
3. Enter your username and password in the fields provided.
4. Check "Save password" (optional).
5. Save your settings by clicking OK.

Changing Image Quality

You have the option to change the quality of images that appear in your web browser. Because higher quality images take longer to load, you will increase your download speeds by lowering the image quality.

1. Right-click on the system tray icon.
2. Select "Settings...".
3. Select the "Image Quality" tab.
4. Use the slider bar to adjust the image quality.
5. Click OK to save your settings.

If browsing with Internet Explorer you can right-click on an image and select "Show Original Image" from the menu (shown below). You may also select "Show All Original Images" to view all full-quality images on the entire page.


Please contact support if you require additional assistance with your Web Accelerator.

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